Farm holidays in Castelrotto - Farm Niglutsch South Tyrol

Anfragen Niglutsch

Our little alpine cabin –
The lodge ‘Schafstall’ (‘Sheepfold’) in Castelrotto

Our small alp lays at around 40 minutes walking from our farm. There we manage also the ancient Schafstallhütte, which is open in summer from the end of May to mid-October. Excursionists who arrive here will enjoy the typical South Tyrolean cooking with Speckknödel, freid eggs with speck, roasted potatoes, speck shelf with local bread and home-made desserts. Some people come here just only to enjoy our Kaiserschmarrn en plein air.

A map to find also our alpine inn

karte huette

Holidays at the Farm Niglutsch in Castelrotto

almhuette schafstall huette kastelruth suedtirol

A leisurely hike takes you

to our alpine cabin

Take the hiking path no. 8 to reach the lodge ‘Schafstall’. After going up through the woods over the witches chairs you reach the Schafstallhütte in 40 minutes. By Marinzen cable car it is of course more comfortable. From the mountain station of the cable car you need to follow trail n. 9 and you reach the Schafstallhütte in 15 minutes. For excursionists the Schafstallhütte is the ideal break while ascending the Puflatsch up to 2176 metres, which takes 2-3 hours from Castelrotto.

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Interesting destinations

in Castelrotto and its surroundings

Other interesting destinations are the Marinzenalm, the mushroom trail “Pilzeweg”, the witches chairs of Tiosels and the belvedere Laranzer Wald. To those who are interested in the geological creation of the Gardena Valley, we suggest the geo-trail Bulla, which leads from Panider Sattel to Bulla and is equipped with 8 wall charts that explain the geological history of the Dolomites.

almhuette schafstall huette kastelruth suedtirol

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